

  1. Pre Registration Event


  1. The Doors Are Open

  2. Welcome to CrikeyCon VIII

    The Sleuth

  3. Testing whether your security works by roleplaying as cybercriminals


  4. Electron Apps Unplugged: Unveiling Digital Forensic Treasures


  5. Not Your Average Cyber Strategy: Tying in Co-design


  6. Morning Break

  7. Yi-kes! Spooky action at a distance, or, taking the security out of your home security camera

    John Bird

  8. How a Young Security Researcher and a Security Firm Challenged Vendor Vulnerability Misconceptions

    Jack Misiura

  9. Lunch!

  10. Elevate your access; or elevators are not an access control


  11. Why the rental crisis is helpful for scammers - OSINT from the mail room

    Georgia Turnham

  12. Pwnagotchi: Build your own offensive security tool that reminds you of your childhood

    Chaz Mathieson

  13. Afternoon Break

  14. SecOps and IR - real world example of Living off the Land (LoTL) techniques

    Matt Gurr

  15. Keeping up with the Pwnses - A walk-through of Talkback

    Sebastien Macke

  16. Let's get these tests to the (home)lab(rador)

    Iain Dickson

  17. Closing Ceremonies

    The Sleuth

  18. Networking Event


  1. Leading the Cyber Squad: A perspective on leadership and building your cyber dream team

    JP Haywood

  2. Flipper Zero with a side of Hotel Access Cards

    David Robinson (Karit)

  3. RF hacking basics & how to use your cool gadgets

    Amy Nightingale

  4. Red Teaming the Software Supply Chain

    Paul McCarty (6mile)

  5. Playbook Development 101: A Guide for Newbies

    Gyle dela Cruz (GyledC)

  6. Introduction to Code Review (Including discussion on CVE)

    Louis Nyffenegger (snyff)